God’s Conversion Therapy

Then the Lord said, “I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters. I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them…

Exodus 3:7-8

“You need to dig the wells of revival at Harvard and tear down the false ideologies of Boston”.

United States Congressperson

At Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts, our forefathers came ashore and established a colony built on the foundation of God’s word and religious freedom. Their dream was to build a city set on a hill that could not be hidden. They had fled the tyranny of a nation that suppressed religious freedom and there in Massachusetts a holy experiment was enacted. Now centuries later Massachusetts is at the forefront of crushing the very religious liberties their forefathers bled and died for. This past week Governor Baker signed into law the conversion therapy bill. Now parents will not have the freedom to get therapy for their minor children who may be struggling with gender dysphoria. A licensed therapist could lose his license and a parent could possibly lose their child. This kind of therapy in the bill is called ‘child abuse’. So is there now no freedom to help a person find his true identity male and female in Christ? Will pastors be forced into silence on the power of Christ to convert souls leading to inward transformation and biblical sexual wholeness.

It is my conviction that the reason such bills are now being passed is because the church has not exercised the power of God to bring deliverance to those struggling with same-sex attractions and lifestyles. I’m reminded of the young man who stood and challenged me saying “you have no right to tell me as a homosexual I cannot have civil liberties if you cannot manifest the power of God to deliver me. “ That my friends, is what God is about to do. He is coming to save and deliver. Soon hundreds if not thousands of testimonies of once gay men and women will overflow the refuge of lies that a person can’t change. God may just challenge this conversion therapy bill with his own conversion therapy, a movement of prayer and evangelism borne of great love, healing, and deliverance. What if there was a great gathering of tens of thousands of once gay men and women to Boston to declare “We are changed!” What if we gathered thousands of mothers and fathers whose sons and daughters are in LGBTQ lifestyles and lift up a united cry with tears for salvation and deliverance to come down!  What if thousands converged in Massachusetts to evangelize the great-grandchildren of Jonathan Edwards, the father of the First Great Awakening? Could this be our Jericho?

Derek Prince once said that Boston is the Jericho Of America and when it’s walls of intellectualism fall,  America will be swept into the great revival. During these days of treading, I find myself yearning for the land of New England and in particular Boston and Massachusetts. This is my 2020 vision; Bob Jones prophecy; 100,000 LGBTQ saved and transformed because Love never fails.

Join me for 40 days on this devotional journey.

My 40 day fast was like Israel’s 40 year  sojourn in the wilderness, and my 40 day tread was like Joshua who was told by the Lord, “Every place that the sole of your foot treads, I am giving to you.”


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Lou Engle

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