We are raising a million intercessors that will pray for a global harvest
In the midst of confusion, moral decline and church disengagement we see an opportunity for a whole generation of believers to arise who will have no disconnect between their belief and action— Who instead of settling for a life of complacent Christianity will be activated into the message and action of Jesus.
Who is Lou Engle
Lou Engle is an intercessor for revival and the visionary co-founder of TheCall, a prayer and fasting movement responsible for gathering hundreds of thousands around the globe.
He has been involved in church planting, establishing prayer movements, and strategic houses of prayer. He is the founder of the pro-life ministry Bound4Life. Now residing in Colorado Springs, he is married to his beautiful wife Therese and blessed with seven wonderful children. He is the president of Lou Engle Ministries, launched to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, envision and empower stadium Christianity, and ignite reformation prayer into the nations of the earth.
Thank you for enlisting in The Send intercessory Prayer force with the vision of activating 1 million intercessors into contending prayer for historic revival, 80 million souls, and 200 thousand missionaries to America, the nations and Israel.
Before the TheSend in Orlando God spoke to us that the Ekballo prayer of Mt 9:38 would precede TheSend stadium gatherings. God apprehended me forcefully to raise up 1 million people to pray daily that the Lord of the harvest would hurl forth(Ekballo) for that prayer is the divine prescription for the great problem that there are few laborers to reap the vast harvest of souls. From this moment this command of Jesus is your first marching order.
We will be calling this United force into seasons of fasting for national and international breakthroughs. I’m so excited for this because I know history will bend to your prayers and your personal life will be changed through fasting. Jesus said that fasting will prepare the church to hunger for her bridegroom Jesus kindling the inward fires of first love.
We are calling you if you desire to take communion daily. We have received revelation from the Lord about the coming of the Great Communion Revival at the end of the age in which the Lamb will be at the center of the throne and the pier of the blood will unleash forgiveness and conquering power over all the powers of darkness. Let us birth this move of God together!!
We are praying for 4 key breakthroughs
A moment of Salvation
That the veil of secularism would be lifted, and a generation would see and encounter the love of the Messiah (Jesus). We want to pray for the revelation of the cross and the power of the shed blood of Jesus.
A spiritual awakening across the body of Christ
That the church would rise gloriously in this hour full of the spirit of God, living from the word of God, and boldly living for Jesus.
A sending movement:
That his next generation would rise to their hour to further the great commission all over the earth.
The Send gathering:
The send in Kansas City on May 14th, 2022, would be a tipping point gathering for a Jesus generation.
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