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Hi Lou, I've never heard of you before this morning when an elder in our church forwarded your email for an urgent call to a global 3 day fast. I must tell you, that I nearly lept out of my bed where i was reading the email on my phone! Why? Because, in being away from my family this week so I can work, I had been texting them in a group chat, different challenges that I was personally being called to during some prayer and bible reading time. But on Tuesday evening, around 9:00, I texted them and told them that as i was reading in Esther, chapter 4:15, concerning her request for the Jews to fast for three days for her, I asked them if they would be willing to consider following the call. So Wednesday morning I began my fast. By the end of the day I felt that to fast for three days may be a little over the top, so I resolved to break my fast Thursday morning - the morning I received the forwarded email. The morning I lept from my bed and knelt on the floor in tears. God - you were speaking to me!!! How humbled I felt to part of what He is doing. I thought you would want to know that He is speaking this word all over. Thank you for following through on those promptings!!! I will never be the same. Tina Horning, Ephrata, PA