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Hi Lou! First of all, I want to thank you for your great encouragement for these 39 days of fasting. Every devotional gave me the direction to start praying on days where I was a little lost. Thank you for your kindness and reflection of Jesus on every line you wrote. Well, on the first half of the fast I was praying for revival, for God’s move through those who went to The Send, to the nations and all of that. But then the Spirit started switching my words leading me to start praying to me, myself. At first, I felt somehow selfish and thought it was out of purpose. But as I started praying for my own self, Jesus started to set me free from things I didn’t realize I had to. One night I started praying loud for my traumas and I felt some type of emotional block going away from my throat. Then the Holy Spirit filled out my room with His presence! It was incredible!!! I think this was the most remarkable thing that happened, and I know there’s more to come. Though I’m really excited to finish the fast, I will miss this unique time I had with my Father. God bless. 🙏🏼